To make the people aware about their problems, issues and situation on social, cultural, economic life and over all environment where they live in very miserable condition.
- To provide the common platform to think scientific and to make action on what they take common decisions for community interests.
- To promote collective efforts for community development.
- To make women free from social bondage and make them prepared to enjoy their human rights.
- To promote awareness to take control, development and protection of the natural resources like water, land and forest.
- To strengthen the Gram Sabha (village government).
- To promote people’s economic order and sustainable and participatory action and development process.
- To promote awareness regarding the social, educational and health situation.
- To promote regeneration and reestablishment of permanent and helpful means of income generation.
- To promote awareness for surviving their cultures, customs and traditions in the community.
- Women empowerment through their skill development and micro finance.
- To make creativeness for participating with group activities of the people towards community building.